HomeStoriesPopular Short Stories From The Immortal Gazette Bloodthorn Publishing Short Stories Stories Popular Short Stories From The Immortal Gazette Sonia Bloodthorn Popular Short Stories From The Immortal Gazette Popular StoriesAlice’s Adventures in Wonderland Retold by Rumplestiltskin | 4EverMore | The Immortal GazetteHansel and Gretel: Rumpelstiltskins Take on That Gingerbread Disaster | 4EverMore | Immortal Gazette | Fractured Fairy TaleLoki and Rumpelstiltskin Roast "Godspousing" on WitchTok: When Mortals Marry the DivineLoki and Rumpelstiltskin Roast | Fake Social Media Psychics | Crystal Balls and ClickbaitThe Tale of Idun and Her Apples: A Trickster's Delight | Immortal Gazette | Bloodthorn PublishingCinderella Fractured Fairytale | 4EverMore | The Immortal GazetteOdin's Blind Spot: The Allfather’s Greatest Missteps | Mythology | Immortal Gazette | Bloodthorn PublishingRapunzel: The One Who Wasnt Allowed to Leave Her Tower... EverThe Bell Witch: The Haunting That Wasn’t All That ScaryGoldilocks’s Fractured Fairy Tale | 4EverMore | Immortal Gazette Bloodthorn Publishing Short Stories Stories Newer Older
Hansel and Gretel: Rumpelstiltskins Take on That Gingerbread Disaster | 4EverMore | Immortal Gazette | Fractured Fairy Tale
Odin's Blind Spot: The Allfather’s Greatest Missteps | Mythology | Immortal Gazette | Bloodthorn Publishing